Anyway, last week I received a phone call from a photo studio that wanted to interview me over the phone and then after that if they liked what they heard they would call me in for a face to face interview. Well, the chick said she felt good about everything I said and would pass my information on to the next person to call me for a face to face interview. At the time I thought that meant that I for sure had another interview. Today I still hadn't heard from anyone so I called and asked the girl about the interview and she told me that it was basically if the person higher up wanted to interview me then they would call. So I guess the fact that she approved didn't matter at all. Needless to say I'm a little frustrated and not exactly any closer to having a job than I was.
To top that off yesterday we found out that my husband does not have 2 more semesters of school left, but three more. So we are officially stuck in this jobless city for another year and a half. Eventually, my unemployment is going to run out and then what are we suppose to do for money? I'm officially starting to panic and at a lost as to what I should do next. I've applied for every job I possibly could and no one has called me back. I feel like all the hard work and effort I put into getting through school and working different jobs to get experience has just been a waste. However, to every sob story there is a silver lining...the only problem is I'm not completely positive it is a silver lining because I don't know if my idea will work.
After my craft frenzy began I started to think that it would be fun to own my own boutique shop and photography studio. It sounds like a great idea and right now due to the fact that I can't find a job would be the time to actually start my own business. The only draw back is that I have no money to start the business, which would mean I would have to get a loan or some how come across a grant. Second, the economy currently sucks and I'm not positive how well my business actually would do at the moment. Especially in the town we're in. So it's one of those things where I would be taking a major risk if I were to start my own business. Not to mention after my husband graduates we have no intention of staying here.
So I guess if anyone is reading this...what would you do or suggest?
Oh, Sunny, I'm sorry. I totally understand being in Stephenville and having to scramble to find a job. It's frustrating. There's always the Rock House. I know it's not in your line of work or anything, but you would probably enjoy it if you got in the right area. You could see about working with the Recreations planners. It'd be fun. Also, look at A Time to Bead. It's on Washington street. Y'all are in my prayers! I totally get the craft thing. We're making ends meet so I can stay home with Layla, and I'm trying to make some stuff just so we will have some sort of an extra income. I just feel bad when my loan payments equal our car payment. ha. It's not right! Let me talk to some people, and I'll see if i can find something. :-)